4 Charity Stories To Serve The Mankind In A Better Way

Last Updated on June 3, 2024 by Team Lifelords


Amazing Short Stories on Charity To Serve The Mankind In A Better Way


Amazing Stories of Charity For Kids & Adults: Charity does not only mean to help the unfortunate, needy, and downtrodden people but it is a channel to widen the limited horizons of your existence. Donating to charity is a major mood booster. The knowledge that you’re helping others is hugely empowering.

Charity Stories To Serve The Mankind

In turn, it raises awareness of issues and gives donors the power to do something about them. Charity can make you feel pretty good about yourself. There’s nothing quite like doing something for someone else to put a smile on your face.

Even when we’re not feeling our best, if we put some kindness back into the world it can help us feel a little better in ourselves and about the world around us. We hope the following stories will inspire you to contribute more to better the lives of others.

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1. Serve Humanity First: A Remarkable Story on Charity

This incident dates back 160 years. A famous Buddhist monk Tetsugen from Japan, with the intention of propagating the teachings of the Lord Buddha, translated them into Japanese. At that time the sutras were available only in Chinese. The books were to be printed with wood block in an edition of seven thousand copies, a tremendous undertaking.

Publishing them was a challenge as it needed capital investment. It was forbidden to ask for help as per the rules of the organization. Arrangements could be made only through whatever was earned as alms. Tetsugen’s disciples responded to his appeal to contribute one part of their earnings to the cause.

In five years, enough collections were made to enable the publication. At that time, one region of Japan was affected badly by drought. The monk was moved when he saw the situation. He used the collected funds to help the people affected by the drought.

Funds were used to arrange food for the hungry and clothes for the poor. All the money was used for this effort. Luckily the rains arrived and that cleared the drought situation. Collections were started again. In the next 10 years, more people started contributing to the publication.

This time around there was a flood-like situation in Japan. The monk used all the money this time to help those affected by the floods. Everyone who had contributed the money drifted away from him. The monk had lost all the funds in donations not once but twice.

But, he continued to collect more. By God’s grace, the book was published eventually. On the preface it was written – 3rd Edition. It raised people’s curiosity and they enquired where the earlier two editions were.

The monk said, “Those editions will be visible only to those who have the eyes to appreciate love and service.” This publication became extremely popular and succeeded in establishing the foundations for Buddhism in Japan.

Moral of The Story: Serving the poor and downtrodden is the first duty of every human being.

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2. A Story on The Results of Indiscriminate Charity

Once a thief needing some implements with which he could carry on his profession assumed the garb of a very poor man and went to the house of a charitable person and asked for ten rupees.

As the householder was not in the habit of enquiring for what purpose the applicant required money, he gave the thief ten rupees.

The thief then went to the market and purchased the implements he needed. Over time, he successfully committed many thefts and burglaries.

It was discovered that the cause of all the crimes committed by the thief was the generous gift received from the charitable person.

Moral of The Story: Indiscriminate charity led to evil results.

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Best Stories on Charity To Make This World A Better Place

3. Less for Yourself And More For Society: A Story on Charity

Famous freedom fighter of India, Rajarshi Purushottam Das Tandon was then an honorable member of the Parliament. Once, when he went to collect his salary cheque in the Parliament Office, he asked the clerk there to transfer this cheque directly to a “Public Service Fund”.

The officials over there were surprised to see his generosity. One of his colleagues standing nearby said – “There are hardly four hundred rupees as your allowance for the whole month. And, you are giving the entire amount for social service?”

Tandon humbly replied – “You see, I have seven sons and all are earning sufficiently to raise their families; each one sends me one hundred rupees per month. I spend only about three to four hundred from that and the remaining also to some philanthropic society.”

“Now, this allowance as a member of parliament is again extra for someone like me. Why should I deposit it for myself or my family?” It was indeed because of this natural austerity and detachment from selfish possessions that he was called a “Rajarshi”.

This episode of his life reminds us that wealth may come to us in varied amounts and from many sources, but the best mode of its prudent use is only one – constructive utilization for the welfare of all.

Moral of The Story: In charity, there is no excess.

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4. Only One Prayer: A Touching Story on Charity

I was taking my usual morning walk when a garbage truck pulled beside me. I thought the driver was going to ask for directions. Instead, he showed me a picture of a cute little five-year-old boy.

“This is my grandson, Jeremia,” he said. “He is on a life-support system at a Phoenix hospital.” Thinking he would next ask for a contribution to his hospital bills, I reached for my wallet.

But he wanted something more than money. He said, “I am asking everybody I can to say a prayer for him. Would you say one for him, please?”

I did. And my problems did not seem like much that day.

This cute short story by Lee Ryan Miller tells us that it’s not always the money we require to serve humanity, sometimes our simple words of sympathy can change the entire life of a person.

Moral of The Story: If you wish to be happy make others happy.

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