David And Goliath Bible Story For Kids With Pictures

Last Updated on May 31, 2024 by Team Lifelords


David And Goliath Bible Story For Children With Pictures


David And Goliath Bible Story For Children: The story of David and Goliath is described in the biblical Book of Samuel. This story is found in the Old Testament. This is one of the most popular stories from the Scripture. It is a tale of faith, courage, and overcoming what seems impossible.

David and Goliath Bible Story For Kids

Goliath is a Philistine giant defeated by the young David in single combat. The story signified Saul’s unfitness to rule, as Saul himself should have fought for Israel. The phrase “David and Goliath” has taken on a more popular meaning.

It denotes an underdog situation, a contest where a smaller, weaker opponent faces a much bigger, stronger adversary. There are many lessons one can learn from this great story. We hope you will like it too.

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Why God Chose David, The Next King of Israel

A long time ago, there was a boy named David, who lived in the country of Israel. The Israelites were God’s chosen people. They lived in the mountains and hills of Judea. God chose a man named Saul to become the king of Israel. Saul was a good leader, but he disobeyed the God almighty.

So God asked Samuel to find a new king. God said to Samuel, “Go to Bethlehem and there is a man named Jesse with eight sons. His youngest son David will be the next king.” When Samuel first met the young David, he was very surprised as to him David was just like other kids.

When Samuel asked why He chose David, the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider how handsome or tall he is. I have not chosen him. I do not look at the things people look at. Man looks at how someone appears on the outside. But I look at what is in the heart.”

Yes, No one else saw what God saw. David’s father saw his baby boy. David’s brothers saw a younger sibling. The townspeople saw an insignificant shepherd. But God saw a king. So Samuel anointed David with oil which was a special way of promising him that he would be the next king.

And from that day on the power of the Lord was with him. David was a handsome guy, for he had fair hair and ruddy skin; and he was very strong and brave and modest. He was shepherd boy for his father, and all day, often all night – he was out in the fields, far from home, watching over the sheep.

He had to guard them against wild animals, lead them to the right pastures, and care for them. David was kind to the lambs and loved them. David also loved singing and playing his harp. But more than anything, David loved God.

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Why Jesse Sent David To The Battlefield

Palestine was the neighboring country of Israel. But the Philistines were the enemies of the Israelites and of God. They were very powerful and very technologically advanced. One day, war broke out between the nation of Israel and the Palestine. All the strong men of Israel went up to the battle, to fight for their king.

David’s three older brothers went, but he was only a boy, so he was left behind to care for the sheep. After the brothers had been gone some time, David’s father longed very much to hear from them. To know if they were safe, he sent David to visit the front lines and bring back battle news from his brothers.

David rose early in the morning and left the sheep with a keeper. He took the corn and the loaves and the cheeses, as his father had commanded him, and went to the camp of Israel. The camp was on a mountain. Yes, Israel stood on a mountain on the one side.

While the Philistines stood on a mountain on the other side, and there was a valley between them. David came to the place where the Israelites were, just as the host was going forth to the fight, shouting for the battle.

So he left his gifts in the hands of the keeper of the baggage, and ran into the army, amongst the soldiers, to find his brothers. When he found them, he saluted them and began to talk with them.

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Wonderful Story of David And Goliath In The Bible

A Bible Story That Teaches The Importance of Courage

But while he was asking them the questions his father had commanded, there arose a great shouting and tumult among the Israelites, and men came running back from the front line of battle; everything became confusion. David looked to see what the trouble was, and he saw a strange sight.

On the hillside of the Philistines, a warrior was striding forward, calling out something in a taunting voice. He was a gigantic man (9 feet 9 inches tall), the largest David had ever seen, and he was all dressed in armor, that shone in the sun.

He had a helmet of brass upon his head, and he was armed with a coat of mail, and he had greaves of brass upon his legs and a target of brass between his shoulders. His spear was so tremendous that the staff of it was like a weaver’s beam.

And his shield so great that a man went before him, to carry it. “Who is that?” asked David. “It is Goliath, of Gath, champion of the Philistines,” said the soldiers about.

“Every day, for forty days, he has come forth, so, and challenged us to send a man against him, in single combat. Since no one dares to go out against him alone, the armies cannot fight.”

“What!” said David, “does none dare go out against him?” As he spoke, the giant stood still, on the hillside opposite the Israelitish host, and shouted his challenge, scornfully.

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David And Goliath Bible Story To Teach Kids

He said in his big deep voice, “Why are you coming out to set your battle in array? Am I not a Philistine, and you servants of Saul? Choose a man for you, and let him come down to me. If he would be able to fight with me and kill me, then we will become your servants.”

“But if I win you will all become our servants. I challenge the armies of Israel this day; give me a man, that we may fight together!” When King Saul and all the men of Israel, heard these words, they were very afraid.

Many soldiers even fled from the battlefield, when they saw the Goliath. David heard soldiers talking among themselves, whispering and murmuring. They were saying,

“Have you seen this man that is come up? Surely if anyone could kill him, the king will make that man wealthy; perhaps he will give him his daughter in marriage, and make his family free in Israel!”

David heard this, and he asked the men if it were so. It was surely so, they said. “Then I will fight this giant Philistine. A mere Philistine should not be let defy the armies of the living God” And David was stirred with anger.

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David Decided To Fight With Goliath And Saul Agreed

Very soon, some of the officers overheard this and ran to King Saul and told him what David said. Immediately Saul sent for him. When David came before Saul, he said to the king, “Let no man’s heart fail because of him; your servant will go and fight with this Philistine.” Saul looked at David, and said,

“You can’t fight Goliath, you’re only a boy and he has been fighting for many years.” But David said to Saul, “Once I was keeping my father’s sheep, and there came a lion and a bear and took a lamb out of the flock. I went out after the lion, struck him, and liberated the lamb out of his mouth.”

“When he arose against me, I caught him by the beard, struck him, and slew him! Your servant slew both the lion and the bear; and this Philistine shall be as one of them, for he has defied the armies of the living God.”

“The Lord, who delivered me out of the paw of the lion and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine.” It was shameful that Saul the king wasn’t trusting in God to help him, he didn’t know what to do to beat Goliath.

Then this young boy named David came and he knew just in a day exactly what to do, and trusted that God would help him. That’s why God loved David’s heart and wanted him to be king. So Saul armed David with his own armor to protect him from Goliath.

He put a helmet of brass upon his head and armed him with a coat of mail also. But when David girded his sword upon his armor and tried to walk, he said to Saul, “I cannot go with these, for I am not used to them.” And he put them off.

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How Brave David Vanquished Giant Goliath Easily

How The Fight Between David And Goliath Began

Instead, David went to a stream nearby and found five smooth stones, put them in a pouch around his waist, and with his sling, he went to Goliath. David went out and drew near to the Goliath, Goliath looked at David and thought it was a joke. Goliath thought that he could easily beat David and it was funny that Saul would send a small boy to fight him.

He disdained him, for David was but a boy, and ruddy, and of a fair countenance. And he said to David, “Am I a dog, that thou comest to me with a cudgel?” And with curses, he cried out again, “Come to me, and I will give your flesh unto the fowls of the air, and to the beasts of the field.”

But David looked at Goliath, and answered, “You fight with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield; but I come to you with God on my side and today everyone will know that there is one true God in this land.”

“This day will the Lord deliver you into my hand, and I will chop you, and take your head from your body. I will give the carcasses of the host of the Philistines this day to the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth, and all the earth will know that there is a God in Israel!”

Goliath didn’t care what David said and he moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly to meet him. And when he was a little way from him, he put his hand in his bag, and pulled out a stone, put it into his slingshot, and shot it at Goliath.

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David Became A Hero After Beating The Goliath

The stone had hit him right in the forehead, and it sank into his forehead. Suddenly Goliath started to lose his balance and he fell with a loud thud right on his face to the earth. David ran and stood upon the Goliath. He took his sword, drew it out of its sheath, and slew him with it.

David had done it, he beat the giant Goliath! Then, when the rest of the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they ran away. But the army of Israel pursued them, and victory was with the men of Israel. Israel had won the battle because of a boy who had faith and trust in God.

David became a hero to all the people in Israel. After the battle, David was taken to the king’s tent, and made a captain over many men; and he went no more to his father’s house, to herd the sheep, but became a man, in the king’s service.

Moral of The Story: Our size or age does not matter to God. He can work with and through anyone. God gives each of us special gifts and talents that can be used for Him.

David was very young and probably not too big but he had faith in God and in the abilities God had given him, so he trusted that it did not matter.

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